Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wonderings: weather (Part 2)

In January 2012 I posted this:
I wonder how weather will affect my daily like on Korea?

Heh heh heh...

In summer when teaching, the question in the back of my mind was, "Should I turn on the ac, or turn it off and open all the windows?" [Note:  Here 'ac' means air-conditioner. Here they say 'air-con' to mean the same thing.]

Pros of turning the ac on:  it's more quiet so students can focus better and not be distracted by sounds of their classmates playing outside, or singing down the hall...
Pros of ac off and windows open:  save energy, fresh air

When it was summer, I took showers more often, albeit very short ones, to clean off the smell of sweat. (Hot + humid + my ability to sweat a lot = lots of smellyness!)

Now that it's winter, I find I take longer showers so long as the water is hot, and I time morning and evening routines around when I turn on the floor heating (aka it must be done first because it takes a while to get warm)...

In winter I always head for the heated toilet, or I do the squat to keep from putting my chicken-skin goose-bumpy thighs on the freezing cold seat since the bathrooms are NOT heated.

When teaching, I head to the classroom extra early to turn the heater on to get the room to a somewhat tolerable temperature.

The last two days we had beautiful *wet* thick snow and a lot of it for here, perhaps the heaviest in 10 years I've heard! So that means side streets have been left unpaved (do they even have snow plows in this city?)

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