Sunday, February 24, 2013

Count Down: 13 days after today (late post)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I dreamt of being on an airplane...

Today one of my After-School Program students, Amy, told me she will change her English name next year to, "Lucille." Hm. I wonder why? I asked her and she just shrugged her shoulders.

Today my 4th grade students had to write a 5 paragraph "How to" essay in class in 40 minutes. They did a good job; I was impressed!
School lunch was delicious - yummy kimchi noodles, soy bean paste soup, veggie burger, and yummy purple rice with red or black beans.

This picture obviously isn't today's lunch, but it gives you an idea of what school lunches are like. We use a metal tray, metal flat chopsticks, metal spoon... Brown/purple rice, white rice and some kind of kimchi are always served, plus a fruit for dessert.

My Korean teacher partner asked me to write a letter of recommendation for Edgar, one of our 4th grade students, to attend a bilingual school in France next year. So I did. I know Edgar could handle such a school!

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