Sunday, February 24, 2013

Count Down: 10 days after today (late post)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Today I had to say "Goodbye" to my L.A. students, all 20 of them who didn't already know I'm leaving. They asked, "Why?!?"

"Am I leaving because I got scared on signing on for another year?" I asked myself. No...

I told them, honestly, that I'm leaving because I will go to Panama in March, and Myanmar this summer to teach. Also, I need to go back to school to learn how to be a better teacher, but that I hope to return to Korea.

I asked them to each write me a short note. Just now I read their notes and got teary eyed.

After school I went to acupuncture for the second-to-last time.

Today I just enjoyed watching my students play scrabble (words like "god," and "shoes" were on the board), and had fun playing "Jenga" with one student who apparently has a blog about dogs. She loves dogs and seems to know more about dogs than I know about any one topic!

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