Sunday, February 24, 2013

Count Down: 4 days after today (late post)

Thursday, February 14, 2013 - Happy Valentine's Day!

Yes, Korean celebrates it commercially by selling cards, chocolates, and the like.

Today some of my students gave me Valentine's Day gifts of sweet treats, and a small figurine of a Korean woman in a red wedding outfit. During break I shared some of the chocolates with  my students. I wanted to eat them too but I'm sick.

After the last class, sweet Kyle nearly brought me to tears as he left the room. "Thank you for teaching me, Abby Teacher," he said. Melted my heart. That kid will change for better the lives of many!

I have a fever of 100d Farenheit. The acupuncture doctor says I have "influenza." Because of being sick, and tired, I decided to stay home and not attend the final school staff dinner. Then, not only was I feeling yucky in my body, I also felt disappointed in not going. Oh well...

Only one more day, of half of a day anyway. Tomorrow is Closing Ceremony. Tomorrow I have to give a short goodbye speech in front of the whole school. Tomorrow is the last day I will see my students and most of the Korean staff. Tomorrow is the end.

Yes, I feel maudlin.

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