Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Predictions revisited

Here are my predictions about Korea from January 2012, each with today's follow-up.

1. The Korean elementary school children I will be teaching will have better manners in the classroom than most American schoolchildren in public schools.
>> Well, of course I haven't been in most American public schools. Therefore, it's hard to say.
2. Gum is not allowed in school. I gather that too maybe it's not a socially-acceptable thing to chew gum at work.  
>> It's true that students are not allowed to chew gum at our private school.

3. There will be a lot fewer "special needs" children, and none actually labeled as such, at the elementary school.
>> I'm not sure if there are actually a lot fewer or it is just seems like it because they don't tell us if a child have "special needs."
4. Most everyone will stare at me but I'll get used to it.
>> I don't feel I'm always stared at but when it does happen, I'm still not feeling used to it.

5. Even though I'm petite, I will have a hard time finding pants that fit.
>> True to a degree. It depends on what you mean by "fit." It's the shoes that are a bigger problem! My feet are too small for most women's shoe sizes here!

6. I will have a hard time finding cheese in Korea. Luckily, I've been wanting to try a diet free of dairy so I predict it will be easy to have a dairy-free diet.
>> It's not hard to find cheese but it's not cheap. 

>>It's fairly easy to have a dairy-free diet unless you get a drink at a coffee shop because rarely do they have/use soy milk. Usually it's cow's milk in a "cafe" drink, rather than soy or bean or nut milk (as far as I know).

7. I won't have a microwave in my tiny furnished apartment.
>> I was wrong on this one!

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