Sunday, February 24, 2013

Count Down: 16 days after today (late post)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Today I went with a teacher friend to take out to lunch her Korean friend Eun Young, friend's two kids, and friend's sister, who translated for me once at the doctor's office. We ate Korean barbecue- delicious! So logical too - the plate on which the meat cooks in front of you is at a tilt so that all the grease drains off the plate into a collecting place. 

Eun Young took my arm and commented how it's sad that I'm leaving. I agree.
Eun Young's daughter drew me.

Also today we went to the spa / bathhouse. It was only my second time. It felt sooooooooo good! I got a body scrub so walked out later with my skin feeling super soft like a baby's! Oh - the sauna there had a large hour glass in the room with pink sand! I love too how the ceiling has different colors of tiles.

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