Sunday, February 24, 2013

Count Down: 6 days after today (late post)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - Market Day!

Background:  During the school year, all teachers give out small Samyook stickers- with the school name on it- to students who behave well, get good grades, do what they're told, etcetera. Then, at the end of the school year, they can turn in their Samyook stickers for prizes such as bouncy balls, angry bird stuff, Dora the explorer stuff, stickers, pencils, erasers, pencil cases, neck pillows, nail decals/stickers, magic trick kits, and of course lots of sweet snacks/treats.

So today was the big day - Market Day! It was fun to see which students picked what. I wasn't surprised that Tony, a high-level student, picked a board game.

After school, I embarked on Mission nearly-Impossible:  obtain all medical records from the hospital in English.

Long story short, I went to this one particular hospital at least 10 times during my year in Korea. They did many tests, so many I lost count. I LOVE Korean health insurance which allowed for all these tests and doctors' appointments!

Anyway, after 3 long tiring hours of walking to and from two buildings 3 times each, and talking to 3 different doctors in 3 different departments/sections of the hospital, I received in English my paperwork. In the end, I was so tired I didn't check to see what kind of info the papers had on them. Funny thing - I received 3+ pages of detailed notes from Dr. Lee, whom I'd seen only 2 times for a total of maybe one hour. Compare that to the one page, one liner of notes from Dr. Kim whom I'd seen for *days* worth of medical work, totaling more than 70 hours. No, doesn't make sense.

I saw Kimi too, whom I'd met back in August when I stayed overnight at the hospital. She works there. She remembered me and gave me chocolates and said, "Goodbye..." It was so sweet of her!

I also saw Mr. Hwang; his mother and I shared a hospital room together.

How funny to have seen so many people today whom I hadn't seen since August...

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