Friday, January 27, 2012

Wonderings: weather

Here in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, as I type, large dendrites are falling and inside my parents, cat, and I sit by the wood stove, cozy and warm. Not a day goes by here when I'm not aware of the weather because of how it directly affects my parents' business and our lives on a daily basis. Every day one, of our chores is to ensure we have enough kindling and fire wood for that night. A couple days ago, my dad spent more than half an hour clinging to the top of a 40 foot tower at up 10,000+ feet above sea level in 60+ mph winds to fix a cable; not a job to sneeze at!

Too, perhaps I'm cloud conscious because of growing up with a meteorologist for a mother. I'm used to seeing my mom measure the precip and enter the data into "CoCoRaHS" online (Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network). My mornings as a child started by her entering my bedroom, opening the curtain, declaring, "Rise and shine; it's early morning time!" and reporting to me about the weather for the day so that I would know what to wear.

I wonder how the weather will affect my daily life in Korea?...

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