Saturday, January 21, 2012


January 21, 2012

I will try to explain the background of what led me down this path to teach in South Korea, also known as "ROK" (the Republic of Korea).

**Note:  From here on out, I will use "Korea" to mean "South Korea" unless I make it very clear otherwise.

I have wanted to live and work abroad, aka outside the United States, for as long as I can remember. This is probably partly due to growing up hearing my parents' stories about traveling the world, and to traveling myself- with my family or other groups- outside the U.S.

More recently, within the last year or two, I realized (via many avenues) a few things. First of all, NOW is the BEST possible time for me to live and work overseas. As they (the ancient Greeks) said, "Know thyself." I know that I could easily get rolled up into another job here in the U.S. that may be excellent but would ultimately be a diversion from aiming for my ultimate dream. 

Secondly, I realized I LOVE teaching students of all ages and of many subjects, and that I seem to be good at it (which usually helps). Furthermore, having shadowed public school teachers and worked as a Substitute Teacher in public schools, I determined that I currently not cut out for being a regular/traditional U.S. public school teacher. Therefore, the obvious stared me in my face- teach overseas.

I think that's enough for my first (*ever*) blog post.

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