Saturday, December 8, 2012

장미 = jangmi = rose

So I went to Kosa Mart to buy some pepero to give my students on Monday. (Sunday was Pepero Day here.)

The owners' cute daughter came out in her pink pj's with roses on them. I said 'hi' to her in Korean, and then I said, "Pink!" because I'd seen her earlier and she had repeated pink to me a few times. She repeated back to me, "Pink!

She touched one of the roses on her pj's and said, "jangmi." She then pointed to a rose picture that also appeared on the side of the ice cream cooler in their shop. She said, "jangmi," again. I realized she was telling me the Korean word, either for flower or rose. How cool!

Once I got home, I looked up the word for rose. Indeed; 장미 (jangmi) means "rose." Thank you to my little teacher!

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