Saturday, December 29, 2012

Impressions of Korea

These are the impressions of Korea coming from my father's view. (Note:  He's been to an Asian country before where he didn't know any of the language.)

1. It's a lot easier to get around once you figure out how things work which is actually pretty easy because it's so logical.

2. I appreciate that numbers are in Arabic instead of being in characters, like in China. This makes it so much easier because at least you can get around - you can read the bus numbers, you can read phone numbers, you can read how much things cost.

3. I'm surprised at the how big and extensive the underground shopping is. "It's a whole new city down there!" Also, how do all these shops stay in business when they're all selling the same thing and located so close together?!?

4. The food is a lot less varied than I expected in ingredients, tastes, and textures... Most things are rice-based, and nothing's baked.

5. People are extremely friendly and always try to be helpful.

6. The open markets are terrific. It's like farmers' markets but ALL THE TIME, even during winter!

7. There are lots of people *but* nobody's rude to each other. Everyone goes out of their way to be polite, (but then it's built into their system whereas it's not in the U.S.).

8. Love the warm floors in homes! I'm very surprised at the lack of heat everywhere else when it's cold - the stores, the restrooms... This is not a detriment; just a surprise.

9. I'm amazed at all the restaurants. There are soooooo many; all they [Koreans] do is eat out! As for street food:  rating - very good!

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