Thursday, November 22, 2012


Even though I have a ton of work to do for tomorrow, I'll take this moment to GIVE THANKS over my tuperware of heated-up leftovers...

I'm thankful for:
- these leftovers of rice "dok" with quail eggs and soy sauce (from dinner last night at the principal's house for which his wife cooked ALL DAY!)
- Principal Lim and his wife
- Anne, who helped make the dinner last night possible
- this spoon
- this laptop
- internet
- this light by which to type
- my soft warm clothes
- my heated floor (which is one thing I'll miss for sure in the U.S.!)
- my wonderful students with all their funny quirks
- my excellent Korean Teacher Partner who is so flexible
- my awesome grade 4 foreign teacher team who is so patient with me
- my fairly good health
- the wonderful couple who run the corner Kosa Mart
- these legs and feet that get me around, and these hands and arms that come in so handy too!
- for my 5 (6?) senses
- for the breathe of life!
...and the list goes on...

My students wrote these kinds of things on the "I'm thankful for..." hand-traced turkeys we made yesterday:  family, friends, good health, good food, pets, teacher, Jesus (we are in an SDA school after all)...

Hope you have a lot to be thankful for too!

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