Saturday, December 8, 2012

Gangnam Style!

Everyone is singing "Gangnam Style" (pronounced 'gah' like the 'go' in "got" + 'ng' + 'num' like in "number"), even little kids! This is Korean singer Psy's latest hit in which he mocks the rich who live in the Gangnam district, and maybe too he's bragging... Since I don't know what the Korean words mean, I'm just guessing.

According to Chosun online news, "Psy Becomes 1st Korean Singer to Rank No. 1 on U.K. Chart" with this song. (More info at 

Regardless, everyone is singing and dancing to this song here, and around the world apparently. When I was in Busan for Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving- see separate post for info and pics), I even saw a little 3 or 4 year old boy, in full Korean "hanbok" or traditional clothing (shiny yellow top, shiny redish-pink pants), singing this song! Obviously he knows not what he sings...

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