Wednesday, August 1, 2012

On break: Vietnam

Whew! Last week was a blast! I haven't posted anything in a while because there were two crazy last weeks of school, then the day after the last day of school, two teacher friends and I flew to Vietnam for a week's vacation!

What a wonderful time! (They stayed longer but I returned because of other previously-made plans, including my mother visiting - yay!)

Here's a shot I took at night near our hostel in the old section of Hanoi.
It seems to capture an accurate picture of Hanoi - the sugar-cane juice dispenser, the signs in Vietnamese (with tons of accents going every which way looking more like letters with confetti than marks denoting pronunciation rules), motorbikes of course, a tiny narrow shop visible with a skinny person in it, and of course the ever-present electric fan, a God-send in such heat and humidity! 

What do you think of the Vietnamese language? I'm guessing Vietnamese must be one of the most-difficult languages to pronounce; it's based on THREE different writing systems!

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