Friday, August 3, 2012

너무 = Nomu = VERY

What fun! I just had a splendid cab ride home!

Side note:  Yes, I tried the bus thing. I was really determined to take the bus, and NOT the cab, *to* and *from* the bus station to get an express bus ticket for tomorrow but it took me two hours just to get there! As you can imagine, I wasn't liking the idea of it taking another possible two hours to get back to my apartment, given that I don't know my way around well, I can't easily read the signs since they're all in Corean, I was tired, hungry, cranky, and yeah - I guess spoiled (in that I had enough money for a cab ride)... Besides, another couple hours would mean I wouldn't eat dinner until much later, and I was already ravishingly hungry, at 6pm.

The cab driver, in typical Corean fashion of down-playing his English abilities, had me repeat after him, "Hanguel mal nomu nomu oryowah-yo!" This is how I learned how to say, "Corean (language) is very very difficult!"

To say very beautiful:
nomu yep-o-yo

To say very spicy:
nomu maeb-da

To say very hot:
nomu tteu-geo-wo-yo

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