Saturday, August 11, 2012

Approximate Timeline

Wow; it's weird to look back at the process of how I got here...

Here's my approximate timeline.

June 2011  in-person Oxford Seminars (OS) class in Boulder, Colorado
July 2011  finished online component, received TEFL certificate (100 hrs)
Aug 2011 started "Graduate Placement Services" through my account with OS online
Sept 2011  emailed OS that I was interested in Korea (somewhat randomly chose it over China)
Sept or Oct 2011  heard from recruiters in Korea within wk of OS sending them my resume
end of Oct - first interviews with recruiters in Korea
Nov 2011   filmed my Introduction video; emailed it to recruiting company in ROK called "HandS Korea"
Dec 20th  - received job contract from HandS Korea
Jan 5, 2012 - emailed HandS Korea my signed contract
Continued to work on getting together long list of necessary documents
Feb 18, 2012  Flew U.S. to Korea to start work 3 days later...

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