Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Assessments. All the time I spent with students today was on assessing them. Understandably, we had to explain that "draw a pencil sketch" means, "draw a picture," and "write a continuation of the story" means, "you make the story of what happens next."

Speaking of language, that reminds me about the very first day of school, last Friday. The students are supposed to put up a fist (instead of raising their hands) if they object to something. I was explaining the meaning of this word, and had written it on the board. Then, one student asked about the meaning of another word I had already put on the board:  "Objective." I hadn't noticed how similar they are until then! 

While explaining, I realized (luckily in my head and not out loud) that the verb to object is spelled the exact same way but pronounced differently than the noun object (as in, "What is that strange flying object in the sky?"). Wow- English; what a challenge!

Now to grade 35 "English Diaries" and 35 L.A. assessments.

(Dinner:  rice, made in the electric rice cooker, of course, and pot stickers with some sort of Korean hot sauce- yummy!)

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