Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

What a great way to start! Today I had more than one hour of prep time before teaching, and I only had two classes- math and social studies- which I taught to only half my students while the other half were in tae kwon do, flute, violin, art, or other classes. (I'm not counting my "After School" English class as a class to prep for because today was very relaxed.) 

Math and social studies went well but I'm sure I can do better. I teach math and social studies again later this week to the other half of my students so they'll probably get more out of it given that I know now of a few of the kinks that need ironing out... 

One thing that surprised me was to read that a lot of my students' favorite subject in school is social studies. I heard an American teacher say that, in their Korean classes, these students don't start learning about non-Korean social studies until high school! I wonder if that's accurate?

In "After School," I had students trace their hand and write, one in each finger, five things that're important to them. Their answers blew me away! "My brain, because if my brain is dead, I am dead." Another student wrote, "see, hear, taste, touch, smell."

It's been raining outside all day so for lunch and dinner I had homemade garlic-cabbage soup, with rice of course!

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