Saturday, March 31, 2012

Parent-Teacher Conferences

For parent-teacher conferences, my Korean teacher counterpart introduced me, I gave a short intro of myself in English, and then she talked the rest of the meeting in Korean going through a handout (in Korean) with the parents. (About 20-25 parents showed up, almost all women.)

After the meeting, I walked up to a few parents who were hanging around and said, "Hello," politely in Korean, with a slight bow, and showed them my class list of students. I asked, "Who is your son or daughter?" She'd say her son's or daughter's English name, and we'd find it on my list. Then I'd nodd, smile, and say in Korean, "Nice to meet you." If she didn't speak English, the conversation ended there. If she spoke a little (or a lot of) English, the conversation continued, usuallly with her asking me how her child was in class.

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