Friday, November 2, 2012

Gift of the Tawn-gam (persimmon)

One evening, I went for a hike. The setting sun highlighted beautifully the autumn leaves... After a short stop to take a breather, I headed back towards my apartment because I knew it'd be dark soon. 

On my way, two ladies, sporting new-looking perfectly-fitting hiking gear, motioned me over to their bench. One held out a ziploc baggy with pieces of orange-peachy-colored fruit in it. "Tawn-gam," she said. I took a piece, figuring it was persimmon, which I happen to LOVE. Indeed it was - it was delicious! 

They then asked me a question and again I felt silly because I didn't know what they were asking. Dangit - I've been here now 9 months! So I answered with whatever hangul (Korean) I know - I said the one word I know for "American," I said the few words I know for "elementary school teacher," and I motioned with my figures and said words for 10 (this month being the 10th) and indicated I arrived in th 2nd month.

Beneath a very bright white rabbit moon I happily dance-walked back down the mountain, eating the gifted 'tawn-gam' and admiring the sparkly city lights decorating the already-pretty-picture view of the city at dusk. I gave thanks for all the blessings I experience each day and in short moments such as these!

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