Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Post Office

The post office here is AWESOME! Last week I walked there with three other "foreign" teachers (all from the U.S. working at my school). It was about 3 blocks from my house and labeled in Korean and English above the door so pretty easy to find.

It's AWESOME because it provides FREE boxing tape, cheap envelopes and boxes, lots of pens and permanent markers to write with, and seemed to be running efficiently. Also, they have what most pharmacies and public buildings have here:  a water dispenser with paper cups (hot or cold water- yay!). Plus, the post office has lots of beautiful plants on the counters that are REAL!

Additionally, the middle console provides reading glasses and toilet paper - meant as tissue paper? Hm... Another similarity with pharmacies - the post office has a leather cushioned seat at which multiple people can rest their legs. There's a cubby nearby with magazines to flip through too. Yes, all the magazines are in Korean!

I love this post office!

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