Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I'm waiting for my visa number... I'm sure there are other ways "this" is done ("this" meaning this process of getting a work visa) but here's how the job recruiters at HandS Korea (who are AWESOME) are doing it. I sent them my documents*, they sent my documents on to the Korean immigration office there, and now we're waiting. HandS Korea (HSK) is waiting for the immigration office there to process my paperwork and give them **my** work visa number. HSK said they're expecting to get my visa number this week...

Once HSK has **my** visa number, they will email it to me, and then I'll either get my work visa via mail, or in person in California, perhaps on my way to Korea (from Colorado). Unfortunately, the Korean consulate, with whom I need to communicate to get my work visa, no longer has a location in Colorado, hence why I may be going to California.

So here I am waiting... I'm not complaining; what a beautiful place to be waiting (and with family and friends here to support me too- ty!). It's 14 degrees F here, very little wind, and it's snowing! :)
*Here's the long list of documents I sent (via FedEx) to HSK more than a week ago.
One photocopy of college diploma, notarized *and* apostilled; one FBI background check with FBI seal signed by a Division Officer *and* apostilled; one official sealed university transcript; a photocopy of my passport photo page; 4 passport photos; a medical statement signed by me; all 24 double-sided pages of my contract in English and Korean; and 2 recommendation letters.

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