Sunday, March 25, 2012

When in Rome, do as the Romans do...

Yup. I just did it. I changed pants and socks, and even brushed my hair, just to walk downstairs to put my trash out on the curb for pickup in the morning. I changed *just* for that! Hey, I'm told the Koreans change just to walk to the next-door store to get something. 

Besides, I have an image to uphold- that of a teacher, and here teachers are highly respected! 

Anyway, I didn't feel comfortable being seen in my pj bottoms and disheveled hair. 

It's laundry day so the only pants that are dry are my pj bottoms and the work pants I'll wear tomorrow. (Things dry slowly here! No wonder people do laundry early and put their clothes out on the line to air dry first thing in the morning!)


  1. That's a good custom if you ask me, people here in Nevada wear there PJ's everywhere.

  2. Yeah... I don't miss that! Actually, I did see two girls walking down the street past my apartment the other day wearing pj-looking clothes.
