Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

I woke up early today, about 5:30am, to prepare for school. Once at school I taught two 80-minute L.A. classes back to back, then lunch, then the last 80-minute L.A. class. The last class was difficult though, and probably will be a lot of times, because it’s right after lunch. 80 minutes is a long time too, and it’s on a Friday, right before the weekend, and students get out early on Fridays anyway! I had students draw pictures to match with vocab words. Curious- so many of them are good at drawing!
Folks back home got my postcard that I’d sent as an experiment through the free iPhone app "postagram."  Cool app! (To send a postcard of whatever picture you want I think it costs only 99 cent, if you buy at least 4 at once I believe...)

This weekend:  art museum and house-warming potluck. Last weekend I went to “Time World-eu” with other teachers where we ate in the food court of The Galleria (fancy shopping mall). I paid about $6 for a huge bowl of delicious soup that had three sides- seaweed-wrapped rice balls, zucchini tempura, and of course the obligatory yellow pickled radishes (which I love!). Koreans love their side dishes!

I LOVE my experience so far! I feel so lucky because the school I work at is very organized and there seems to be a lot of support for us foreign teachers. It will be interesting to meet other foreign teachers tomorrow at the potluck who don't work where I do.

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