Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012 (Our first payday!)

Beware:  This jumps around a lot!

I just read an interesting article from a great blog called, "Ask a Korean!" I'm now listening to the beautiful voice of Lee Seon-Hee at

Whew! I made it through the second week of classes. I can't believe it was the second week- it feels like it was the first, maybe because there's still so much to learn, figure out, and because one of the classes I'm supposed to teach (ESL- grade 5) hasn't started yet (but will next week).

One thing is for sure. I need to carry *with* me a Korean-English dictionary. Yes, I can survive without it but two or three times this week an English-speaking Korean was not around to help me understand what the Korean-speaking person was trying to communicate to me. Thank goodness I can *see* and *move* my body! I was able to guess at what she wanted based on her body language, and communicate myself somewhat through my body language. Still, I felt somewhat ashamed for not knowing Korean. I am trying to learn one word a day, but still...

How many Americans have you heard complain about a Mexican, or other Spanish-speaking person, living in the U.S. but not being able to speak English? How am *I* any different? I came here for a better-paying job, and for better health care, and I came not knowing more than ten words of the national language. This sounds very similar to thousands of people who move to the U.S., for a better-paying job and other things, while not knowing more than ten words of the United States' national language.

Today's teaching excitements included a student seeing the word "imagine" in the word "imaginative," and "religion" in "religious." <<I love languages!>>

I will post more pictures this weekend! Tomorrow I'll go to the Daejeon Intercultural Community Center, and who knows where else... Hopefully my bank card will work, as we were supposed to have been paid today by direct deposit. Then I can buy some garlic, ginger, and Korean pancakes at the market!

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