Sunday, February 24, 2013

Count Down: 3 days after today (late post)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Today was amazing.

Little Noah came back today for the Closing Ceremony, even though he technically isn't a Samyook student anymore as he transferred to another school last week. (Why would a parent transfer a student to another school the week before school ends? Good question!) I was happy to see him! Even though he was a pain to manage, he won my heart. All of them did, even those who don't know it, like Andrew who was always causing problems in class.

Sad - said goodbye to students on stage, and again in the classroom. I agree with the other foreign teachers - one of the best things about Korea has been my *students* and my time in Korea has taught me sooooooo much!

Ellie gave me a pair of lovely earrings!

Ellis gave me handmade chocolates on which she wrote *my* name!

Louis' mother gave me homemade high-quality lotions!
I will miss my students!

Also today, after school, I met up with my previous Korean teacher partner, Jessie. I'd forgotten how well we get along. Oh, I wish I had more time! I wish I'd contacted her sooner to see her more! But I'm grateful to for our last supper together.

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