Sunday, February 24, 2013

Count Down: 0 days after today (late post)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Errand Day!

I thought the bank would be the most complicated errand today. It wasn't; it was the easiest!

The most complicated errand was going to the LG store to cancel my phone. After many trips to an from the LG store, and 3 hours of working on cancelling my phone, I finally finished about 5:30pm, and after paying $305!

IMPORTANT NOTE to those interested in teaching/working in Korea:

Careful of the cell phone thing! I wasn't told when I first got my Korean cell phone that the contract was for 27 months, and that breaking the contract early by canceling my phone would cost me this much!

If you're going to get a Korean cell phone, be SURE you have someone with you who speaks English well and Korean well and who will take the time to ask your questions and get you answers about the details to that you don't get screwed over by the phone contract system!

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