Friday, July 6, 2012

A first: Dinner at Korean family's house

A few weekends ago was a first! One of my co-teachers and I were invited to dinner at a Koeran family's house. We had a home-cooked Korean meal at a Korean family's apartment - it was delicious! Their apt was surprisingly American-like. It had a big screen tv, a family/living room with big couch, ottoman, and shelves around the TV with pictures on it, a rack of CDs, and even two piggy banks- one for each child. There were curtains in the windows, and the bathroom had a bath tub like ones in the U.S. 

The student's bedroom had a bed like most American kids wants (kind of like a loft with wooden edge), and lots of books in her room, and a few stuffed animal toys. The parents' bedroom was also very "normal" to what one expects in the U.S. at first glance. (I didn't want to extend my stay in their bedroom to make note of what is different...) 

We dined at a normal dining table in the dining room, just off of the kitchen, in which there was a regular fridge and freezer. One major difference though was the "kimchi" fridge out on the veranda. Kimchi is so strong-smelling that they keep it in a separate fridge!

All for now.  :)

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