Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Count down: 3 days left

Whew- I have tickets now!

Orange Travel, a travel agency in Ontario, Canada, that has a business relationship with HandS Korea, emailed me today a flight itinerary. I then called them and paid over the phone for the tickets they suggested.

I leave Denver this Friday evening (Colorado time). I'll have a 1.5 hr layover in Los Angeles. Then I fly to Seoul where I'll arrive in the morning this Sunday (Korea time).

Apparently other teachers are arriving at the same time so we'll travel together to Daejeon!

Work/Orientation starts 9am Monday morning (Korea time)!

How am I feeling? Super excited! And a little nervous but not too much...

Kimchi and K-pop, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not too crazy about k-pop, but kimchi ROCKS! (of course this is after you get over the smell of it :-))
