Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Count Down: 20 days left

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today I went to the National Pension Office. Took a taxi. Waiting area has comfy green chair-couch things, delicious free coffee, and as with all places in Korea, beautiful REAL green healthy plants in lovely pots. The representative who took my info has excellent English and was very helpful!

Odd - I saw a man lying in the street. Kids from school were peering down at him from above. One of the men from the school got on his cell and soon after a police car arrived. I asked the students what happened. They smiled shyly and seemed to be indicating the man had had too much to drink, and had fallen and hit his head maybe. It was about 1pm.

I just spent a while emailing pictures to a couch-surfing Korean who is a professor in Seoul at whose college dormitory my friends and I stayed for two nights when in Seoul last weekend. While doing so, I listened to this Korean rock musician:  Yi Sung-yol. Check his music out!